About US

AKTは「 Slow Living 」 をコンセプトに、 世界中の才能ある職人やデザイナーによる美しいデザインの作品との心地よいライフスタイルを提案します。
現代社会の慌ただしく過ぎる時の流れの中で、 好きなインテリアに囲まれて心が落ち着く、 ほっと一息ついてリラックス。



At AKT, we embrace the concept of "Slow Living," offering a comfortable lifestyle through beautifully designed pieces created by talented craftsmen and designers from around the world.

In the fast-paced rhythm of modern life, we aim to create spaces where you can surround yourself with your favorite interiors, find peace of mind, take a deep breath, and relax.

The brands and designers we represent each have their own values and unique stories. We hope that through the beautiful designs we introduce, you can enjoy a new and enriching lifestyle.